One car in four is fitted with AGC glazing
Panoramic windshield. Available with wireless heating, head-up display or anti-IR coating for greater thermal comfort. Side windows with UV protection. Backlites with built-in antennae that double as defrosting elements. Glass roof that converts from transparent to opaque at the touch of a switch. We create added value, to meet the needs of the carmakers.

One in four buildings is glazed with AGC coated glass
Coated glass for greater thermal insulation or solar protection. Toughened, laminated or fire-resistant glass for greater safety. Acoustic insulation or antibacterial glass for greater health. Mirrors and decorative glass for interior decor. And glass with embedded leds that interacts with the environment. It also includes technical glass for high-tech applications. Our wide range of products makes an essential contribution to comfortable, sustainable buildings.